Information about Medication-Assisted Treatment MAT

Helping the brain return to a state that isn’t dependent on opioids requires careful diagnosis and holistic treatment. OUD can impact many areas of a person’s life, including health, relationships, work and much more. With such a broad spectrum, it’s not surprising that OUD can look very different from person to person. People can develop OUD whether they are initially prescribed opioids or start with illegal opioids. Nearly 75% of all drug overdose deaths in the U.S. involved an opioid in 2020. Overdose deaths that involve opioids have increased at an alarming rate in recent years — by more than eight times since 1999.

Opioid addiction is a chronic illness and should be treated the same as other chronic illnesses. It should be managed and monitored by medical professionals who are properly trained to treat the condition. You can start your search by using the SAMHSA Opioid Treatment Program opioid addiction treatment Directory, or explore treatment programs in your area by using the Department of Health and Human Services treatment center directory. Therapy approaches often used to help treat OUD include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).


Naltrexone is an opioid blocker that helps reduce opioid need. Only the injection is approved by the FDA for opioid use disorder since the tablet can increase the chance of accidental death when used for this purpose. The DSM-5 defines opioid use disorder as a pattern of opioid use that leads to problems or distress. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5) is the tool used by health professionals to diagnose mental health conditions. John rarely drinks caffeinated coffee, but one day, he drinks a strong espresso full of caffeine.

  • You can make these super, super potent chemicals easily, and they’re easy to conceal and to smuggle.
  • In the newest definition, opioid is now used to refer to the whole family of narcotic drugs including the illegal form, heroin.
  • A person may take opioids more frequently or at higher doses to restore the euphoria or, as the condition progresses, to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

Opioids that are classified as immediate release only stay in the bloodstream for short periods. They’re called short-acting opioids and are often used for short-term treatment of moderate to severe pain, such as after an injury or a surgery. The potency of a drug determines the amount or dose necessary to have an effect. This means a dose of one type of opioid isn’t equivalent to the same dose of another opioid when it comes to providing pain relief or causing side effects. OUD affects more than 2 million people in the U.S., including 3% to 20% of people using prescription opioids. However, those taking prescription opioids aren’t the only people at risk for developing OUD — anyone using opioids can become addicted.

Getting support

If you only use opioids for a few days after surgery, you can simply stop taking them once the severity of your pain improves, which usually happens within a few days. From there, over-the-counter pain relievers can help address milder lingering pain. Your body releases endorphins during painful and pleasurable experiences. They attach to your nerves’ opioid receptors, blocking the neurological “doorway” so other chemicals carrying pain or stress signals can’t get through.

What makes opioid medicines effective for treating pain also can make them dangerous. By Julie Scott, MSN, ANP-BC, AOCNP

Julie is an Adult Nurse Practitioner with oncology certification and a healthcare freelance writer with an interest in educating patients and the healthcare community. They can become drowsy and sleepy, or may also experience the opposite in losing the ability to sleep well. Depression and anxiety are often experienced by people who abuse opioids. Often, symptoms or problems are neglected, and regular health maintenance, such as checkups, colonoscopies, mammograms, etc., are not done. Opioids can also cause problems to the organs in the body, including the brain, bowels, heart, lungs, and bones.

Opioid addiction

And we find out that they’ve been retaining CO2 in their blood because they’re breathing very slowly from an opioid overdose or from having too much of that pain medication. And so the complications from opioids have really been pervasive throughout emergency medicine, at least for some time now. America’s medical system has been dealing with opioids for decades, but the experiences of both providers and patients with opioids has shifted significantly in that time. Your doctor may prescribe certain medicines to help relieve your withdrawal symptoms and control your drug cravings. These medicines include methadone (often used to treat heroin addiction), buprenorphine, and naltrexone.


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